
Hey, I’m Munazzir an experienced IT engineer who has done everything from Service Desk to Windows & Linux Sys Admin, Networking, NOC & Security. I have also done some programming & scripting, mostly web stuff or automation tools to replace the soul crushing repetitive tasks.

Outside of IT I enjoy music & collect coins as well as watching Sci-Fi Movies and Anime.


I did experiment with comments on the site but did not really like the system and moderation is a pain. In place of comments you can get in touch via twitter.

Twitter: @realmunaz
TryHackMe: Munaz

Munaz on Tryhackme

Over the past year I have been spending most days completing Tasks and Rooms on TryHackMe. Over the 2020 winter lockdown I really went hard at it and into 2021 got into the top 500 of users on the platform.


That is where after a some time of trying I actually managed to start producing content frequently for this blog. The content is mostly in the form of write-up’s for the TryHackMe rooms I complete.

I recently finally got around to doing some of the Forensics, Reverse Engineering, Windows, Linux, Web hacking and OSINT rooms which resulted with me completing the some final path and get the certificate on this platform.