Attack & DefenseBlue Team

Introduction to Malware Analysis: A Blue Team Perspective

Malware attacks have become increasingly common in today’s digital world, and it’s important for Blue Teams to be able to detect and analyze these threats to better protect their organizations. Malware analysis is the process of dissecting and understanding malware to identify its capabilities and determine how to mitigate it. In this blog post, we will provide an overview of malware analysis and some common techniques used by Blue Teams.

Malware Analysis Techniques

There are two primary types of malware analysis techniques: static analysis and dynamic analysis.

Static analysis involves examining the malware’s code and behavior without actually executing it. This can be done by examining the malware’s file signature, strings, and other characteristics. Some tools commonly used for static analysis include IDA Pro, Binary Ninja, and Ghidra.

Dynamic analysis involves running the malware in a controlled environment, such as a virtual machine or sandbox, and observing its behavior. This can help Blue Teams to identify the malware’s capabilities, such as its network communication, file system modifications, and persistence mechanisms. Some tools commonly used for dynamic analysis include Cuckoo Sandbox, VMWare, and VirtualBox.

Malware Analysis Process

The following are the common steps involved in the malware analysis process:

  1. Acquisition: This involves obtaining the malware sample to be analyzed, which can be done through various sources, such as honeypots, malware repositories, or email attachments.
  2. Static Analysis: This involves examining the malware’s code and behavior without executing it, as discussed earlier. Blue Teams can use tools such as IDA Pro to examine the code, strings, and other characteristics of the malware.
  3. Dynamic Analysis: This involves running the malware in a controlled environment to observe its behavior, as discussed earlier. This step can help Blue Teams to identify the malware’s capabilities and how it communicates with its command and control server.
  4. Behavioral Analysis: This involves analyzing the malware’s behavior to determine its intent, such as data theft, system hijacking, or ransomware. This step can help Blue Teams to determine the impact of the malware and how to mitigate it.
  5. Reporting: This involves documenting the findings from the malware analysis and sharing them with other teams in the organization, such as IT and security, to ensure that appropriate actions are taken to mitigate the malware.

Malware Analysis Example

Here is an example of malware analysis using the Cuckoo Sandbox tool:

  1. Acquisition: A malware sample is obtained from a phishing email received by an employee.
  2. Static Analysis: The malware’s code is analyzed using IDA Pro, revealing that it is a Trojan designed to steal sensitive information from the victim’s computer.
  3. Dynamic Analysis: The malware is run in a controlled environment using the Cuckoo Sandbox tool, revealing that it communicates with a command and control server to download additional malicious payloads and exfiltrate stolen data.
  4. Behavioral Analysis: The malware’s behavior is analyzed to determine its intent and impact, which is found to be data theft.
  5. Reporting: The findings from the malware analysis are documented and shared with other teams in the organization to take appropriate actions to mitigate the malware.


Malware analysis is a critical component of any effective cybersecurity program. By dissecting and understanding malware, Blue Teams can better protect their organizations from potential threats. The malware analysis process involves acquiring the malware sample, performing static and dynamic analysis, analyzing the malware’s behavior, and reporting the findings. With the help of tools such as IDA Pro and Cuckoo Sandbox, Blue Teams can effectively analyze and mitigate malware threats.

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